Jenkins Pipeline

Pipeline workflows are defined in a Jenkinsfile, either embedded directly in the build configuration, or supplied in a Git repository. You can use the Jenkins as a Service from the Catalog to run the Pipeline and create a web hook to trigger builds after source code updates.

Add the following Jenkins Pipeline to your project,

pipeline {
  agent {
    label 'maven'
  stages {
    stage('Login') {
      steps {
		  credentialsId: 'openshift-login-api-token', 
		  usernameVariable: 'USERNAME',
		  passwordVariable: 'OC_API_TOKEN',
		)]) {
	        sh "oc login ${OC_URL}:${OC_PORT} --token=${OC_API_TOKEN}"
    stage('Delete Project') {
      steps {
          sh 'oc delete project springclient-ns'
    stage('Maven Build') {
      steps {
		echo 'Build jar file'
		sh 'mvn clean install -DskipTests=true'
    stage('Run Unit Tests') {
      steps {
        echo 'Run unit tests'
		sh 'mvn test'
    stage('Create Project') {
      steps {
		echo 'Create Project'
		script {
		    sh 'oc new-project springclient-ns'
		    sh 'oc project springclient-ns'
    stage('Deploy') {
      steps {
        echo 'Deploy application'
		script {
		    sh 'oc new-app --name springclient \'\' --strategy=source --allow-missing-images --build-env=\'JAVA_APP_JAR=hello.jar\''
    stage('Expose') {
      steps {
		echo 'Expose Route'
		script {
		    sh 'oc expose svc/springclient'

The Jenkins service on OpenShift has built-in oc cli support.

Last updated